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Build from source


dns-operator is built using Kubebuilder.

Clone the repository and use make to build the source.

$ git clone
$ cd dns-operator
$ make

You can then run the operator either out-of-cluster or in-cluster:

  • out-of-cluster, by directly running the compiled binary (it will connect to the cluster configured for your kubectl). This is the recommended method, as it is way simpler and faster for debugging.

    $ make run ENABLE_WEBHOOKS=false
  • in-cluster, by building a Docker image and deploying the operator as a workload on your cluster.

    $ make docker-build IMG=custom/image-name:tag
    $ make docker-push IMG=custom/image-name:tag
    $ make deploy # This automatically installs CRDs and configures RBAC for dns-operator

Building the docs


This documentation is written using MkDocs and MkDocs Material.

Go to the docs directory and spin up a local server to test documentation.

$ cd docs
$ make docs-serve # Docs will be available on http://localhost:8000/